
"Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part in our hearts" 

"I came that you may have life, Life in abundance!" says the Holy Bible. Life is beautiful, dynamic and exciting! Today's world runs fast with high tech digitalization. The socio-economic scenario is changing rapidly. Everything is instant, quick and attainable at finger tips. The technology has the credit to its race, in spite of the pros and cons. All of us consciously and unconsciously wish to be part of this race. While running fast, we forget the neighbor next door, the needy at the street and the weak in the society. Thus, the humanity loses its essence and life becomes lifeless. 
In this scenario, education plays a vital role to inculcate the virtues and enlighten the minds, thereby grow better human beings to care, to listen, to help, to love and to celebrate life, life to the fullest. The school as a beacon of education promotes in planning, setting and reaching concrete and achievable goals, working harder and smarter and taking our school and student achievement to the next level of "GREATNESS". Greatness without love and concern is useless. We continue to strive for excellence, side by side channeling our students to flow through the path of love, understanding, and compassion, justice with care, mercy and forgiveness. As parents, teachers we make not only students Productive citizens but also Pro Life citizens, promoting life to become our future leaders of peace and harmony and confidently trusting the Divine always. 
The school of life never stops teaching no matter how hard the life gets on. And this is precisely my message to all of you ..Use our voice to speak justice, ears to open for sincere knowledge; hands to act for charity, minds broaden for truth and our hearts for love and compassion. Seeking God's guidance and His abundant blessings on everyone associated with this institution. 

Stay Blessed!

Sr. Arul Geetha FMM
